If you like quick hits, insider tech coverage, how-to tipsand tricks, analysis of media trends, examples of cool fundraising techniques, and all manner of virtual worlds and widgets, go get yourself a blast of the NetSquared Blogs. Yeah, it's techie - very Web 2.0 - groovy colors, too. But it's also very practical and it's a must in my feed-reader for the variety it brings to the daily philanthropy reading.
The blog itself is very free-form, with multiple authors - many of whom are themselves serious bloggers - so you're getting the product of a plugged-in community. I frankly like the short items, which usually give a link to something worth seeing and a quick opinion on it. And there are a ton of posts - as a reader, you need to graze more than read intently. The variety is that deep.
What's great about NetSquared is that there are so many big-tme sites covering innovations in technology and media - but these guys zero on the philanthropy angle, and they really bring it home. A great blog.