Relatively new to philanthropy blogging - and out of beta this week after several months of blogging - is the wide-ranging and sharp-eyed Philanthromedia.
A joint project of Community Foundations of America and some veteran consultants (you may find my voice there from time to time), Philanthromedia bills itself as "dialogue for the discerning donor" and it delivers on that premise with lively first-person reports from conferneces and seminars, analysis of major news stories, links to other blogs, and a point of view that is donor-specific, but of tremendous value to the whole nonprofit sector.
The blog focuses on new giving models, governance, and big issues like water and disease as well - with a big helping of insight into the ongoing "disruption" of traditional philanthropy. Here's a taste of the Philanthromedia pov, from founder Susan Herr:
I'll be the first to admit that my morning journeys into the blogosphere are calculated attempts to find the rays of light that point toward new, bigger, and better philanthropy. Maybe if I looked in the same tired places I'd feel differently, but from where I sit massive change is afoot. Perhaps the most important component of this shift comes from those who are demonstrating the power of approaches that transcend sectoral boundaries.
Things are changing fast, folks, and Philanthromedia is a welcome addition to this philanthropy feed reader.