Over on our main site, we've got an article on the top 10 stories of the year in philanthropy. But I thought I'd use this space to take a poke at Time magazine and their cop-out in naming the annual Person of the Year - because that person was me, and it wasn't you, and it wasn't all the Web 2.0 gurus (wonderful as we all are). The Person of the Year was Warren Buffett. This was an oversight of fantastic proportions and I think if you hold up a mirror to Time's editorial board, they wouldn't pass the steady gaze test. What silly fluff was their tinfoil cover, when the largest gift in American history was on the table. And how important will that shiny faux mirror work out for them looking down the line - not very well. It was a gimmick. Buffett's move was the first salvo in a transformational wealth transfer that holds the possibility - just the possibility for now - of truly changing the world. What a waste.