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You can give money away, and it goes to work temporarily, or you can build businesses that last, and give profits away indefinately. So unless you know the inner workings of someones finances, it is wrong to judge. Alot of the high net-worth individuals in the world are atheists, That would make them unaware of the verse 'Freely you have received..freely give'
Nor would they know the Apostle Paul's thoughts on how things have no value, and are mere 'rubbish'.

Al Golnquin, you show your ignorance, but that's not surprising. Did you know that the five biggest philanthropists ever--Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Howard Hughes, and Li Ka-Shing, are all atheists? Meanwhile, the two Mexican billionaires who come close to Gates in personal wealth have done nothing charitable of note.

There is no excuse for that kind of stinginess. Surely much of his wealth should be invested for future philanthropy, but even Gates and Buffet are clueless, as are most persons of great wealth. There are certainly immediate problems that could be solved. How about free spaying and neutering of pets and strays? Giving to great, big educational institutions and vast disease research sounds nice, but how about just solving some immediate problems you see on your streets? I would rather see problems solved right there in front of me than only having my name plastered on institutions under the pretense of helping find future solutions. And there's no excuse for millions of dollars for a yacht, especially hundreds of millions.

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