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« Red Carpet Philanthropy: How Hollywood Threads Help Charity | Main | News Briefing: Wal-Mart Widow Leaves Shares to Charity »


I sometimes feel that celebrities face a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" conundrum when it comes to supporting charitable causes. If they do nothing, then they can seem callous and uncaring; if they try to do something, they get labeled opportunistic and self-serving (which, let’s be honest, in some cases is probably true).

I think there’s got to be a balance out there, so that passionate people who care deeply about certain issues – and who happen to be celebrities – can use their position of influence (whether this influence is undue is a separate issue) to help out society for the better. We can’t put the Pandora of our celebrity-obsessed culture back in its box, so those celebrities with the ability to draw attention to important causes should be encouraged to do so, so long as they are genuine and informed.

love it

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